The Problem With Plans

What happens when they fall apart?

Last week, I started the week with the best intentions. The best of a plan. In August, I planned my business VERY carefully. I also had had IMPECCABLE plans for my academic writing. I am trying to pull together a book proposal to send out to publishers early next year and ALL of my writing projects feed into this. PLANS!

This semester, things have been going well. I was ahead of my game with writing.

And then there was last week. I took off (planned, in advance) because my son was off. Then there was jury duty. Time crusher (the good news is that I have done my duty for the next 5 years!). The following day I started digging out. Thursday I was going out of town and feeling the pressure. And then the calls came about dealing with family issues. Day. Was. Shot.

Here we are in the new week.

What would you have done? Walk around in circles confused about what to do? Give up and roll with what comes your way?

What about what you’re trying to achieve?

Where are you headed?

I ask these questions because when people’s plans fall apart there is a tendency to simply GIVE UP. Oh well. “I told you plans never work!”

How much closer are you to your goal? Not much?

When your plan is frustrated to no end, you must dust them off and get back on that horse. GET BACK ON YOUR PLAN! Take a deep breath. Start with the new week. Start with the new opportunity. You would be amazed!

I got back on that horse and rode it. And now I know things are happening!

Go. Back. To. Your. Plan.

Do you have challenges with planning? Join me at Be Productive While Working Solo. Because planning is KEY to working alone and getting STUFF DONE!

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